Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Fool's Words of Wisdom... I think

Our lives is governed like a clock; sometimes the hands are on twelve and sometimes they are on six. Nonetheless, it never stays in one place.

Monday 24 December 2012

モーニング娘。 『Help me!!』 (Dance Shot Ver.)

Ok... Normally... Ok I AM a fan of pop, even if all their lyrics are filled with crap about love. But, the beat isn't bad so we shouldn't discriminate them for their cliched lyrics. Besides, there are girls dancing in a weird style (JPOP as always). What's better than that?! KPOP?! Nah... both are awesome with their unique styles. Besides, today is about Morning Musume and their new music video.

Monday 19 November 2012

The eyes within the eyes

Have you ever asked yourself 'am I free'? With the many propagandas, anthems, and what nots, it is easy to forget that we are not. Even in the scientific level, we are still not free. Absolute freedom is absolute independence, thus meaning that you do not have any form of responsibilities or any requirements that will restrain you in any sort of way; be it a necessity or a want. In society, there are rules and regulations which are to be followed even if not written in black and white. The laws and the rules of socializing; ethics and other factors like discrimination, are the masterminds, yet partially do the work. When it comes to biology, we are apart of this world and; therefore, need it. We need to breathe and eat. We need to drink. And, where do all these requirements come from? Most likely, from other people and animals that have decomposed into the soil. But, haven't you noticed that there is something wrong with us? We --as in the human race-- can be considered an abomination in this world. Look at it this way. Animals have fur and are very well adapted to their environment. Either they have claws or shells; they are still capable of surviving through their natural state. We, human beings, do not have any form of adaptation to our environment. We do not have hair that is capable to protect us from the winter and other climatic changes. We do not have claws in order to defend ourselves. And, most importantly, we are the only animals that are capable to have pleasure through sexual interactions, and the only animals that are capable of this high level of thought. If we were adapted, we would not need any form of reasoning for survival. (i.e. the shark). It is as if we were made in such away that it is a necessity for us to take with our level of intelligence as an aid for this objective. Because we do not have claws, we need to create weapons. From what are weapons made of? Easy, the materials around you. Because we do not have fur, we need shelter and clothes. Where do we get it from? Again, from the materials around you. And with the vast amount of humans, highlighting the fact that we are designed to take, the intake would be far greater than the replenishment of the environment. It is quite obvious with the vast amount of extinctions and deforestations. Many of you may not know, but there is a large decline in the propagation of our species. One of the factors is that man prefers to obtain ecstasy through sexual interactions, in the steed of propagating the species. But as mentioned before, man is the only creature that receives pleasure through sexual interaction. But, why would a species have such an attribute, if it would cause such an unbalance in nature? It is as if it has been planned by a greater force. All of these catastrophes are all linked to us. It is as if we were built to be an unbalanced force which would bring forth this destruction and chaos. It is like we are lab rats waiting for the next experiment, while being ignorant of the cause or if its occurrence. Whoever or whatever it is that is causing this, must be something far greater from our current comprehension. I do not know if it is a god or an alien, but I must say that I am impressed of this master craftsmanship.

Thursday 15 November 2012

My Artistic Skill

I'm not that good at making wallpapers, but I'll post a couple...

The first is made by another guy, but I modified it

 Made by the person: I think it's a photoshot

My modification

And this one that I made by just using a couple of lines and a base word....

Well, I tired!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Qui pro Quo

The law of equivalent exchange states that -in order to obtain something- you must first give something of equal value. This has been translated and evolved into many forms: Law of Conservation of Matter, Law of Conservation of Energy, You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, Tit for taut, Qui pro Quo, etc... Today, I obtained something which I had lost, but lost something that I had thought I had found. I always looked at the past, when I was at my academic glory and wished to repeat such actions, but could never do such a thing for I had not found what motivated me before. I grew tired of searching the past and looked for the future. I began searching something that is important to me and I even thought I had found it: hope. I thought I had found a hope, which is irreplaceable in this world. I was wrong. That hope, which I am searching for, is still lost, proven by the betrayal that I faced today. Nonetheless, I found what motivated me in the past. The betrayal made me lose my hope on my fellow citizens, but made me gain the factor that I was looking for: hate. It was a hate and a motivation to bring on the demise of the institution with my exaltation that sprouted my success: an achievement that can satisfy my hate. Will I ever find that hope again? Probably, where I am hoping to go, I will find it, but for now, I have to rot in the location where my nightmarish hell has come to pass.

Monday 15 October 2012


There are masks all over the world -throughout all cultures. But, not only does the mask exist in cultures; also, in ourselves. Every person has different masks for different situations: for parties, within friends, for parents, for the elderly, for politicians, etc... Where do these masks come from? It is something that it is developed through your life cycle. As you grow and learn and are indoctrinated, it is developed and it shrouds the original -you. These are the consequences of integration into society. The only time that you are the most innocent and the most true is during your childhood. Of course, there are exceptions in society. There are those who have kept their innocence, but they are found as queer and unable to take part in society. Their uncorrupted innocence -overstating- and their intolerable honesty is the cause of their rejection -an admirable attribute which cannot be gained through normal means.

I, too, have masks, but I consider them more manifestations than masks. They were born with the rejection of society. The first is a manifestation of my positive desires, normally manifesting in the form of an action -appropriate to the time. It is a she. The second is a manifestation of what is not known to me. It has no form nor colour; it only has a voice and a ear to listen. The last is the manifestation of my inspirations and my aspirations; a person who can achieve what is required without hesitation. He can pull the trigger when its needed and can lend a hand while everyone throws stones at him. I am not mad, but have done the required to survive without society.