Sunday, 22 July 2012

IDOLS's Curse

Sorry that I am not going to talk about Rosetta Stone. I don't have many complaints for it, yet. This is a bit more important, though.

It must be tough being an idol. I was reading in the internet about one of my favourites from JPOP(Japanese Music) called Takahashi Ai. It was just random search and the list of what I find as privacy violation was huge! According to the story, she is THOUGHT to be dating a comedian who is about twelve years older than her.

Now my question is why should we care?! In the end, it is her life; her business. She can talk to anyone, anywhere, any time, and in any way! She is still human just like you and me.

This reminds me of the situation that I was in once. I, when I was younger, fell into a drain because the weight of a bike that was twice as big as me pushed me towards it. It was like a perfectly horrible situation that got worse. I fell, not only in the drain but, also, in a hibiscus bush where I had to hold a branch from puncturing my eyes. I was in a curved position with the bicycle on top of me. I was incapable of moving. As it happened, two women were passing only to point to their children what had happened to me. It was as if my misery became a form of entertainment.

Now, if people would have seen me drinking or smoking or with a girl, I would have become the talk of the town. The same thing with Idols. If they are in trouble, the paparazzi wouldn't give a damn and just continue filming because it will make great news for the morning to come. But, if the idol is seen with another person who the paparazzi does not recognize, it becomes the talk of the day!

People, stop caring about other persons' private lives and start caring about how you can help them, because there is only one world where we are living in; here.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Phrase from the Fool

"There is no greater wise man than the fool as there is no greater fool than the wise."

Phrase from the Fool

"The best relations are formed when persons, who have traversed through a similar form of suffering, meet."

Friday, 20 July 2012

Weed Eater + Rain = Disaster

I have no idea how I was convinced, but I mowed the lawn after it had rained. Normally, it's not a problem if your lawn is flat. Unfortunately, MINES ISN'T! Apart from the pebbles, sand, and the remains of the base of a house, it is filled with many gaps and weeds that are tough to mow. Of course, you can't use a lawn mower. You'll probably end up getting stuck in one of the gaps. So, you have to cut it with a weed eater. It'll, probably, throw all the dirt, rocks, the dog's turd, raccoons, bottles, etc... directly at you (to be more precise, your mouth; most likely turd).

Today, of all the days, it rained. "The grass is softer when it rains, so it's easier to cut." That's what they told me. As if! The stupid machine got stuck on the weeds so many times that I forgot to count! It was like Grass Superman! After I finished, I looked like a 18 year old boy who just returned from war with all the dirt covering my body!. Don't trust everything that you are told!


Thursday, 19 July 2012

Good Morning Everyone!

OHIOGOZAIMASU, MINA! Ok, that's practically the most I know in Japanese that and トイレはどこですか。(Where is the bathroom?)

First of all, welcome to my blog! My name is Alfredo Kuylen. I know what you are wondering about. Why did I label my blog "The Messenger's Complaints."? Well, apart that the messenger was chosen because of my eternal post of a luggage boy and, apparently, a mail man, since I'm delivering messages to and fro without stop! >:( Complaints, probably because this is a blog that will talk about my different complaints of the many hilarious and, if not, horrid situations that take place in the world (or what I care about :P).

This blog consists of:
 - My daily life in learning Japanese.
 - My comments about some Anime and anything Anime related.
 - JPop also included.
 - Comments about the ridicules of life. (like that guy over there that sits down when he pees.)


AGAIN, ようくぞう!Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy it, even if it is a wondering spirit using the computer.

Feel free to comment, ask questions, and suggest topics.