Monday, 24 December 2012
モーニング娘。 『Help me!!』 (Dance Shot Ver.)
Ok... Normally... Ok I AM a fan of pop, even if all their lyrics are filled with crap about love. But, the beat isn't bad so we shouldn't discriminate them for their cliched lyrics. Besides, there are girls dancing in a weird style (JPOP as always). What's better than that?! KPOP?! Nah... both are awesome with their unique styles. Besides, today is about Morning Musume and their new music video.
Monday, 19 November 2012
The eyes within the eyes
Have you ever asked yourself 'am I free'? With the many propagandas, anthems, and what nots, it is easy to forget that we are not. Even in the scientific level, we are still not free. Absolute freedom is absolute independence, thus meaning that you do not have any form of responsibilities or any requirements that will restrain you in any sort of way; be it a necessity or a want. In society, there are rules and regulations which are to be followed even if not written in black and white. The laws and the rules of socializing; ethics and other factors like discrimination, are the masterminds, yet partially do the work. When it comes to biology, we are apart of this world and; therefore, need it. We need to breathe and eat. We need to drink. And, where do all these requirements come from? Most likely, from other people and animals that have decomposed into the soil. But, haven't you noticed that there is something wrong with us? We --as in the human race-- can be considered an abomination in this world. Look at it this way. Animals have fur and are very well adapted to their environment. Either they have claws or shells; they are still capable of surviving through their natural state. We, human beings, do not have any form of adaptation to our environment. We do not have hair that is capable to protect us from the winter and other climatic changes. We do not have claws in order to defend ourselves. And, most importantly, we are the only animals that are capable to have pleasure through sexual interactions, and the only animals that are capable of this high level of thought. If we were adapted, we would not need any form of reasoning for survival. (i.e. the shark). It is as if we were made in such away that it is a necessity for us to take with our level of intelligence as an aid for this objective. Because we do not have claws, we need to create weapons. From what are weapons made of? Easy, the materials around you. Because we do not have fur, we need shelter and clothes. Where do we get it from? Again, from the materials around you. And with the vast amount of humans, highlighting the fact that we are designed to take, the intake would be far greater than the replenishment of the environment. It is quite obvious with the vast amount of extinctions and deforestations. Many of you may not know, but there is a large decline in the propagation of our species. One of the factors is that man prefers to obtain ecstasy through sexual interactions, in the steed of propagating the species. But as mentioned before, man is the only creature that receives pleasure through sexual interaction. But, why would a species have such an attribute, if it would cause such an unbalance in nature? It is as if it has been planned by a greater force. All of these catastrophes are all linked to us. It is as if we were built to be an unbalanced force which would bring forth this destruction and chaos. It is like we are lab rats waiting for the next experiment, while being ignorant of the cause or if its occurrence. Whoever or whatever it is that is causing this, must be something far greater from our current comprehension. I do not know if it is a god or an alien, but I must say that I am impressed of this master craftsmanship.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
My Artistic Skill
I'm not that good at making wallpapers, but I'll post a couple...
The first is made by another guy, but I modified it
Made by the person: I think it's a photoshot
My modification
And this one that I made by just using a couple of lines and a base word....
Well, I tired!
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Qui pro Quo
The law of equivalent exchange states that -in order to obtain something- you must first give something of equal value. This has been translated and evolved into many forms: Law of Conservation of Matter, Law of Conservation of Energy, You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, Tit for taut, Qui pro Quo, etc... Today, I obtained something which I had lost, but lost something that I had thought I had found. I always looked at the past, when I was at my academic glory and wished to repeat such actions, but could never do such a thing for I had not found what motivated me before. I grew tired of searching the past and looked for the future. I began searching something that is important to me and I even thought I had found it: hope. I thought I had found a hope, which is irreplaceable in this world. I was wrong. That hope, which I am searching for, is still lost, proven by the betrayal that I faced today. Nonetheless, I found what motivated me in the past. The betrayal made me lose my hope on my fellow citizens, but made me gain the factor that I was looking for: hate. It was a hate and a motivation to bring on the demise of the institution with my exaltation that sprouted my success: an achievement that can satisfy my hate. Will I ever find that hope again? Probably, where I am hoping to go, I will find it, but for now, I have to rot in the location where my nightmarish hell has come to pass.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Monday, 15 October 2012
There are masks all over the world -throughout all cultures. But, not only does the mask exist in cultures; also, in ourselves. Every person has different masks for different situations: for parties, within friends, for parents, for the elderly, for politicians, etc... Where do these masks come from? It is something that it is developed through your life cycle. As you grow and learn and are indoctrinated, it is developed and it shrouds the original -you. These are the consequences of integration into society. The only time that you are the most innocent and the most true is during your childhood. Of course, there are exceptions in society. There are those who have kept their innocence, but they are found as queer and unable to take part in society. Their uncorrupted innocence -overstating- and their intolerable honesty is the cause of their rejection -an admirable attribute which cannot be gained through normal means.
I, too, have masks, but I consider them more manifestations than masks. They were born with the rejection of society. The first is a manifestation of my positive desires, normally manifesting in the form of an action -appropriate to the time. It is a she. The second is a manifestation of what is not known to me. It has no form nor colour; it only has a voice and a ear to listen. The last is the manifestation of my inspirations and my aspirations; a person who can achieve what is required without hesitation. He can pull the trigger when its needed and can lend a hand while everyone throws stones at him. I am not mad, but have done the required to survive without society.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
It has been Quite SOme TiMe
It has been quite some time that I have
actually written in my blog. Today, it is of my utmost desire to tell a tale,
which I wish not to be appreciated nor heard, but as a relief for the inability
to be understood by those around me. It has been quite some time that my dreams
have caught my attention. I am no man to be fooled or to take heed of any which
may be a reproduction of my memory, but the unique characteristics of these
dreams are highly unlikely. Would you not be intrigued by the ability to
interact in a dream or to hallucinate within a hallucination or to dream within
a dream? I certainly am; if my brother were to read this, I would become the
main event in a mockery. Anyhow, for ages I have been haunted by dreams, which
its borders from a nightmare, are not defined. The slaughter of my fellow
classmates with me as a victim; a mental asylum where light does not shine and
snow does not falter; a Cinderella story reversed, with hallucinations and
dreams of a woman; a Mandarin phrase -a language untouched by me- with me
gaining the ability to pronounce it; and suffering from schizophrenia with me
acknowledging such fact; these are a few of the many which I cannot recall at
this moment. None the less, it all changed one day. For the first time in my
life—a dream which can be accepted as common among others— came to reside in my
mind -engraving an image. Ironically, the normality of it is the reason why it
may be called strange. A person whose dreams have been quaint all of his life
is now dreaming something to be considered the norm? Strange, indeed it is.
But, the normality of it came to seize a day -as I had expected. The dream was
of a smiling damsel whose beauty surpassed all those that I have ever seen. At
first, its importance was belittled by me. The prime supposition was a the
manifestation of a deep desire, since I have kept my chastity for eighteen
years, next month, yesterday. Yet, a question was born. Why was it so normal?
Understood not by me, I took it as something trivial and cast it aside. Two
months later, a video -made about four years ago- was brought to me of a
Japanese Pop group currently known as Morning Musume, ironically, by my
brother. Whether a spurt of boredom or a prowl for hormonal satisfaction, I
viewed it. I grew quite fond of it and searched for more. I obtained one of
their singles and heard the songs which it brought. The second song of the
single was bright as the sun and enticed me to search for its video.
Unfortunately -what I thought at that time-, there was only a live performance.
Oh the cruelty, I did despise such form of recording at that time. A particular
performer caught my eye. She most certainly was not the most enchanting, but
the most unique. While others dressed the familiarized stereotype, she dressed
as a punk, even though her on-stage persona did not fit the image. Suddenly, she
smiled. At first glance, it was not bewitching enough to mesmerise me; until I
noticed something. Her smile was completely identical to the person who I
dreamt. To my astonishment, the person from my dream exists! But, I realized
that jumping to such conclusions was foolish, so I began a thorough research of
Images, videos, games, and any form of broadcast that might be the cause of the
dream. In other words, I took a journey to prove that she was not the person
from my dream. I live in a country with no televisional contact with Japan of
any kind; therefore, it was highly improbable for me to view her through the
television. I struggled and could not prove that she was not the person of my
dream, but doubts still remained. A month later, I saw a video which was a
replica of my dream, though not exact, but enough to prove that she was that
damsel. But, why would I dream of a person who I have had no contact in the
past, and most likely will not have such contact? Nonetheless, it has sprouted
a raison d'être. Now, a want has become a necessity, thus I shall complete the
requirements and find out the reason why.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Solid Proof...
Remember how I said that I needed a prize
For my watch
Especially since I've had it for over 5 years on...
without removal
that means that I even bathe with it
Here is the proof:
Digitally Solid! :)
Friday, 21 September 2012
The 21st of September
Happy Independence Day to everybody
It has been 31 years since we obtained ours.
Man, we are still a young country.
And, small too...
I guess that is how all great nations began,
but, still, can't we mature a bit faster?
Either way, happy Independence Day.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Now... A Poem???? 今。。。詩ですか???
You know how fate is;
It tends to bite you like a hag.
Well, I joined a poem competition...
Little did I know that I came in one of the top 5...
But, they left in suspense since they didn't tell me which number I am
Unfortunately, I, now, have to recite it in front of many people
First prize is a Tablet Pc
Second is a Camera
And, the third is free school supplies....
Pray that I rank first or second... Please お願いします!!!
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Speech!!!... 残念な
Yesterday I had to do a speech in front of three schools.
It was about why students should stay in school.
I was so nervous.... that....
Well, I learned that I am great for entertainment...
I caused a riot....
Well, the screw up was that it was supposed to be formal...
When, I was 'motivating' other schools from my own...
I told them to scream!!!
Then, to motivate I said 'You suck... scream louder... let me hear you!!!'
They only heard: ' You suck!...*screams*()&^*%^&$*&%^)!'
Now, they are out to get me!
Sort of...
Well, I'm in hiding now :P
But, in the end it was fun... until, I was scolded by my father...
He said that I have to be more formal...
Can't argue with that... hence, the reason why I only serve for entertainment.
Monday, 10 September 2012
The Tenth of September
After a couple of celebrations,
In the afternoon, a ceremony with the military involved.
A parade also happened
And a dance at night
in which I participated.
A picture of the aftermath...
I won't sleep tonight....
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Tenth of September
The Tenth of September is coming!
I guess!
No, not really.
What's the Tenth of September you ask?
It's the Battle of St.Georges Caye.... The day we drove the Spanish Invaders with Malaria!
Either way....
That means I won't be able to sleep much. Sigh.
I'm not patriotic.... at all ok.
Well, Happy Battle of St.Georges Caye Day.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Search Results... Funny
Search Results... don't we just love 'em.
I was searching the internet for a program that I really want
When I found it, I realized the Related Torrents section
I couldn't stop laughing! XD
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Black Ops
Yesterday, I played a 4-way multiplayer in
In consoles.
Consoles aren't my forte.
Ok, I definitely suck at consoles.
I can't aim right.
I'm slow.
I still can't figure out where is left or right.
Or how to point to those directions.
And I faced two game heads and a complete beginner.
At least I shot them more than 5 times.
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Prologué (Prologue) real preview
Ádonere goásing cóth esáth fél kevé?
És hacíto tóu fél trabób?
Ró, És hacíto són allumoneí cáyo?
Ó, balicáse fél hóman seíster,
Tóu quího esré enpakíng tóu fél thiósas,
Cóth toál esáth balugáge,
Esré tóu prepáring forá camél fél soúnid?
Ó, balicáse fél hóman seíster,
Porhí veás volúrnd llavób?
Ahów, toál granít blódoon víll caál frél císky.
Erás tóu fél trabób?
Ó, balicáse fél hóman seíster,
Quów tristád és quát hásve echné.
Arbées fél vergén hásve pérst.
Ynd, chitleí animalés desapír.
(Oh, Mister Suitcase Man,
Where are you going with that key?
Is it to your job?
Or is it to a sun shone cay?
Oh, Mister Suitcase Man,
You who are packing your things,
With all that luggage,
Are you preparing for when the bell rings?
Oh, Mister Suitcase Man,
Why have you turned the knob?
Now, all the giant balloons will fall from the sky.
Was it your job?
Oh, Mister Suitcase Man,
How sad it is what you have done.
The trees have lost their green
And the little animals are all gone.)
Saturday, 1 September 2012
As you can see,
The title of the prologue is written differently.
It is a language which I have invented and will be implemented on the story which I will write.
Don't worry, I will translate.
And will write how to understand the sentence structure.
It is definitely a SOV (Subject Object and Verb)
Ok then. Later.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Preview: Prologue
Oh, Mister Suitcase Man,
Oh, Mister Suitcase Man,
Where are you going with that key?
Is it to your job?
Or is it to a sun-shone cay?
Oh, Mister Suitcase Man,
You who are packing your things,
With all that luggage,
Are you preparing for when the bell rings?
Oh, Mister Suitcase Man,
Why have you turned the knob?
Now, all the giant balloons will fall from the sky.
Was it your job?
Oh, Mister Suitcase Man,
How sad it is what you have done.
The trees have lost their green
And the little animals are all gone.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Misinterpreted.... 残念な
Due to new teachers, we had to present about ourselves and whatever else falls in that category.
Unfortunately, one was about who we admired.
Since mines is a Japanese Idol, I had to present about Idols first.
Because, my fellow classmates are not exposed to other cultures.
And in a previous post, I did mention about my people's ignorance.
Kalafina (awesome Jpop group ^_^)
Well, I had to present about AV Idols.
Which was embarrassing.
Tsubomi (AV IDOL) Don't ask how I got it (#x_x#)
It's a shame that such a cute girl is in porn.
I was explaining how an AV Idol can enter other forms of show business.
Since, there isn't a strong division, in Japan, between pornography and other show business.
Well, people misinterpreted and, now, I'm a pervert who watches porn.
Sigh... On the first week, too!
School definitely sucks.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Knee - deep in Work
Classes have begun!
These teachers do not waste time!
First day, new notes and homework.
Second day, today, more homework and notes.
My School Uniform
Ignore the background.
Tomorrow, I have presentations to do.
Damn, too much work!!!!
Monday, 27 August 2012
明日。。。さようなら、夏休み T_T
Tomorrow, Classes Start!
Oh the agony! Oh the pain!
Woe is me!
I swear, if it was that you had to take the classes that you like, it would be awesome!
But, alas, it is not.
Ok, enough with the weird lines.
Either way, I still have to go to school.
The only good thing about school is that I don't have to worry about clothes.
Jejeje, Uniforms.
Unfortunately, it is not the sailor suits (セーラー服)。
"I only watch, I do not wear!"
For those smart asses out there.
Well, with the amount of perverts and rapes here in Belize,
I guess it wouldn't survive.
Oh, well, I'll just need to go to Japan.
I hope I can go there.
Kami-sama, Onegai!!! (神様、お願いします!!!)
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Sexual Abuse
Unfortunately, a rise of child molesters has begun.
A school's principal was found having a relationship with an under-aged girl.
My Math teacher was found harassing two young girls.
This rapist forced girls to give him a blow job.
What in God's Name IS GOING ON?!!!!!
Really, can't people have restraint?
Sometimes, I am ashamed of my own gender.
Friday, 24 August 2012
A Story For You
Within The Computer
*Tick* *Tock* *Tick* *Tock*
The repetitive sound which I hear
Is the sound of the clock which is near.
It is reaching closer to its destination.
The day has reached a new
And, I seek to release my frustration.
With a simple touch of my hand,
I open a gate to a new land.
A land where the sun rises
and the sea surrounds.
A beautiful maiden appears,
Whose smile relieved all my fears.
Her beauty is to be admired and envied.
The world brightened every time she smiled.
Her natural robe, the nature of her beauty,
Was purer than the whitest snow.
Her arms stretched towards me.
Without a doubt, I towards it.
She held me dear and pulled me in.
And, I lost all my will.
We laughed.
We cried.
We fought.
And, we bought.
Finally, we embraced.
Her warmth, I accepted.
No more could I resist.
And, as I shared my selfish emotions, she ceased to exist.
Slobbering on the desk.
Reality snapped me back.
One after twelve, I realized what I lack.
And, depression stroke as the bell wrang.
Realizing what I had felt.
My face began to melt.
Longing for the happiness which I lived.
With the person that I had dreamt.
How Time Flies By
It has been three months, since my vacation began.
By next week, it is over.
On Tuesday, classes begin.
And, the never ending battle for dominance begins!
Crap, I hate school.
It is, just, too boring!
Can someone please explain how I'm going to use 'Moles' in life?
And, a person has to deal with those creatures that we know as "A@$Holes".
They should make a better form of education. >:(
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
I should get a Prize
I should Get a prize!
Want to know a secret?
I've been using a wristwatch for more than 4 years.
Yes! Without removing it from my wrist!
Today is my fifth year!
I should Get at least a Wow! or Amazing!
Monday, 20 August 2012
Ain't That a Kick in The Head
The title is an ancient song written in the 1950' - 60's
Yes, I am in that kind of music.
You can a form of decency or, perhaps, innocence.
I find that very amusing, since you don't find it frequently now a days.
Well, I was watching a Jpop Music Video that made me proud and crushed it afterwards.
It contained tons of cute girls!
But, the important part is that it contained a Spanish Beat.
Like Salsa or something.
It made me proud but when I realized that I had to go to Japan to listen to the music that belongs to my culture really made me sad.
It's pretty tough when you realize that your people do not give a wooden nickel about their own culture.
Please, Don't forget your CULTURE; YOUR IDENTITY.
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Miss Chiquitita
Yesterday, an event occurred here in my TINY TOWN.
Yes, Miss Chiquitita which means Miss Little.
In other words, it is a beauty pageant for girls that are still in the ages of 7-10.
I was forced to attend, since my little cousin participated in it.
To be frank, I felt like a paedophile.
I swear, there was nothing to watch!
I have no idea what's going to happen to those girls.
Probably, future stuck ups.
Here are some photos.
It was dark so this the best it gets!
Damn you phone!!! X(
Friday, 17 August 2012
West Nile?... I thought It was In Egypt!
Well... The West Nile Virus.
Apparently, it is some scary stuff.
West Nile Virus is a virus(obviously) that is transferred through mosquitoes.
According to the statistics:
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 30,000 people in the U.S. have reported getting sick with the West Nile Virus since 1999. The disease spreads to humans most often through bites from infected mosquitoes. The mosquitoes themselves get West Nile virus when they feed on infected birds, and then spread it to humans and other animals when they bite.The good news is about 80 percent of people who are infected with the virus won't show any symptoms at all. Up to 20 percent, however, may develop a fever, headache, body aches, vomiting, swollen lymph glands or a skin rash. These symptoms may last a few days or a few weeks, even in otherwise healthy people.But about one in 150 people will develop a severe illness, in which they may have a high fever, neck stiffness, convulsions, vision loss, paralysis, coma or other neurological effects that may be permanent.~CBSNEWS~
My father is worried that 17 people have died already due to that virus.
If, only he knew that the death ratio of the Flu is 41,400 deaths each year.
Be careful, don't die!
Most likely you won't if you deal with it on time.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Well, it is normal for a man to be interested in the opposite gender.
very recently,
in the same gender.....
No comments on that. I don't want UNIBAM suing me.
Either way, the four races depict this different stereotypes when it comes to women.
First, Caucasians.
Caucasian women gives this strong sense of elegance. They are tall and their face depicts a certain form of assurance.
Second, Hindu, Dark Hispanic and etc...
This women have a massive amount of curves. And, with their tanned skin, they are, in a way, sexy. Ok, they are sexy. Of course, like in all races there are exceptions.
Third, African Americans (don't want to get sued).
Well, they can be pretty attractive. Not my preferences, but they give like this aggressive feel. Either, the good way or the bad way (getting freaky or strangled)
Fourth, Asians (My Fav. Guess why?).
Last, but not least, Asians. Yes, they are in the race and they are a tough competition. They, especially the good looking ones, give this impression of being dolls; their stretched eyes, their smooth skin, and especially their body (heh, flattish) help with this. (experienced gained after accidentally downloading 150 pictures of South Korean women in erotic poses).
Short description, but, if I give too much, women get angry. If I give too little, the same shit. So, I'd rather give 'good enough'.
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
A Small Story For You
The Rain Which Was Faced
It has been a hour since the sky began to weep. Was it joy due to the effort being given by this person? Or, is it, because of the agony that I am going through. I could only admire him in the sidelines for going to such great lengths for this person.
"If you can score at least once, I'll go out with you." She said.
She knew that he would not be able to throw the basketball through the hoop. She knew it well, yet she asked him to. I saw his eyes widen and a flame igniting within his heart. He was determined to succeed no matter what the cost. He grasped the ball with all his might and bit his lips. His posture was horrible; as expected from a person who had never played basketball. He threw the ball towards the tall net. From the beginning, it was determined to fail. The ball missed, he fell to the ground, and the girl left him in his despair.
He did not wait long to stop crying. He stood up and, with his strong will, approached me.
"Teach me how to score, I beg of you!" He knelt and bowed down to me. I was surprised. Who would throw away his pride for a girl? I could not resist this pathetic view in front of me.
"Stand up!" I ordered him, "Watch closely. Do you think you can do that!?"
I showed him the steps, and the posture. I taught him everything I knew. Now, it was time for him to practice, but the sky turned dark. The rain clouds covered every bit of light that crossed through. With this weather, it was better to leave the practice for another day but, he did not leave. He stayed even when the rained poured upon him. I, now, envied him. I have never had a reason why to dedicate myself. But, this person found a reason. One which he is willing to throw away his health for.
I could not withstand watching his effort go in vain; therefore I called her through my cell-phone; the one who had caused all of this mess. We were three, but, after this, it would become two whichever way fate decided to take. At first, she was hesitant due to the weather, but I convinced her. No, I forced her to come.
When she arrived, she was furious and asked me, "Why did you call me in the middle of this rain? Do you even know what time it is?"
Clearly, I had lost track of time. It was, now, dark, but his efforts could still be seen.
"Just watch," I told her.
"What is it?" Her eyes widened when she saw the person who she harmed and the pain he was going through. "Since, when has he...?"
I interrupted her, "Since, you left."
"I have never been in love, so I don't know what is going on in that idiot's head." It was a lie. I, also, loved her, but it was not meant to be. It hurts so much, but I have to bear it. My eyes are heavy and my heart is being crushed. But, I must bear it. I must.
He finally noticed that he was being watched. And, he asked her again, he approached the spot, and he scored. Now, there are only two of them and another shower starts.
Monday, 13 August 2012
A poem I wrote
This is a poem that is dedicated to the part of my country that nobody wishes to see, but is there. Highlight the script
Gloriosum est
By: Alfredo Kuylen
ong ago when they were here,
And with their all seeing eyes, oppressed us;
We trembled with a terrifying fear,
Waiting for their lash of fate upon us;
Subjugating us, as the Romans did,
To their every whim.
“Gloriosum est iniurias oblivisci!” They proclaimed.
ur souls with a hunger for emancipation,
And our hearts ready for the cost,
We held our fists high for renovation,
And made our oppressors flee to the dust;
In an island far away,
Where they had lead others astray.
“Gloriosum est iniurias oblivisci!” We abjured.
pon this soil, with our heads held high,
We have forgotten our oppression,
Even though, it was nigh;
We head towards our self-destruction,
Subjugating with paper, and deceit;
Oppressing ourselves due to differences.
“Gloriosum est iniurias oblivisci!” We adopted.
he contradiction of our anthem,
And the shame of our forefathers toil;
We tarnish our emblem,
And throw our flag to the soil;
The soil where they once lived,
And repeating what history did.
“Gloriosum est iniurias oblivisci!”
‘It is glorious to forget injustice!’
The lout’s recurring errs.
Gloriosum est
By: Alfredo Kuylen
ong ago when they were here,
And with their all seeing eyes, oppressed us;
We trembled with a terrifying fear,
Waiting for their lash of fate upon us;
Subjugating us, as the Romans did,
To their every whim.
“Gloriosum est iniurias oblivisci!” They proclaimed.
ur souls with a hunger for emancipation,
And our hearts ready for the cost,
We held our fists high for renovation,
And made our oppressors flee to the dust;
In an island far away,
Where they had lead others astray.
“Gloriosum est iniurias oblivisci!” We abjured.
pon this soil, with our heads held high,
We have forgotten our oppression,
Even though, it was nigh;
We head towards our self-destruction,
Subjugating with paper, and deceit;
Oppressing ourselves due to differences.
“Gloriosum est iniurias oblivisci!” We adopted.
he contradiction of our anthem,
And the shame of our forefathers toil;
We tarnish our emblem,
And throw our flag to the soil;
The soil where they once lived,
And repeating what history did.
“Gloriosum est iniurias oblivisci!”
‘It is glorious to forget injustice!’
The lout’s recurring errs.
Sunday, 12 August 2012
Guatemala City
Yep, you heard it right!
Tomorrow, I'll be going to Guatemala City.
Sorry, won't be taking any pictures.
Probably, because I am afraid of getting mugged, raped and shot.
A little bit more and it is a war zone!
Wish me luck!
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Critics... Everyone is one....
Ok, first of all, sorry about yesterday. Yes, it was in Japanese. Yes, the grammar most likely sucked. Please! Criticize it! I need to get better!
Anyway, that is not the point for this post.
What I wanted to say was that I found this other blog where this person was criticizing some idols. Normally, I would not mind, but the guy went too far. The person would stoop down to call the girls prostitutes. If you are going to criticize, at least be neutral. Besides, those girls struggled to get where they are. One of them dropped out of high school just to follow her dream. And, she achieved it! Don't you think that the effort that the idols gave is enough?
Besides, probably the guy is a 40 year old loser that sits on his computer 24/7, is butt shit ugly, and has no goal in life, since he spends the entire days criticizing people that can do what he most likely can't and will never be able to.
Anyway, that is not the point for this post.
What I wanted to say was that I found this other blog where this person was criticizing some idols. Normally, I would not mind, but the guy went too far. The person would stoop down to call the girls prostitutes. If you are going to criticize, at least be neutral. Besides, those girls struggled to get where they are. One of them dropped out of high school just to follow her dream. And, she achieved it! Don't you think that the effort that the idols gave is enough?
Besides, probably the guy is a 40 year old loser that sits on his computer 24/7, is butt shit ugly, and has no goal in life, since he spends the entire days criticizing people that can do what he most likely can't and will never be able to.
Friday, 10 August 2012
今日 、僕は漢字と日本語の練習を。
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Daily Activities
Yes, today I disarmed and rearmed a laptop.
Amazing right? Well, let me tell you this:
It was a pain in my butt!
Seriously, those pieces of scrap are horrible!!
So many parts! Yet, not one of them is easily replaceable!
Yes it is portable, but does it matter if your keyboard is damaged?!
Or if your screen met the pearly gates?!
Laptops are unmodifiable unlike desktops.
Why don't they invent a highly modifiable Laptop which it's parts can be easily replaced?
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Hurricane Ernest
It CAME, IT SAW, AND...... AND..... IT IGNORED US!!!!!
Yes, the hurricane avoided us completely. Where I am situated, only a few showers occurred. Only! Not even lightning. I have seen worse days in a normal storm during the rainy season.
Well, it is for the best. That just goes to show you that the crime in the city is so bad that not even a hurricane wants to stay over there for the night. The sad thing about it is that the city is the smallest city in the world.
I feel sorry for Mexico though. Hope it does not cause them that much damage.
Yes, the hurricane avoided us completely. Where I am situated, only a few showers occurred. Only! Not even lightning. I have seen worse days in a normal storm during the rainy season.
Well, it is for the best. That just goes to show you that the crime in the city is so bad that not even a hurricane wants to stay over there for the night. The sad thing about it is that the city is the smallest city in the world.
I feel sorry for Mexico though. Hope it does not cause them that much damage.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Phrase from the Fool
"It is the arrogance of man which prohibits us from acknowledging that, through imperfection, we have reached perfection."
Monday, 6 August 2012
First Place = Last Place
Haven't you noticed that everything is based on who is first or who is last? But, whether you are first or last, isn't that insignificant? Because, I'm a person who hasn't been left behind when it comes to studying. When I was in Primary School, I graduated as the valedictorian. In other words, first place. I was obsessed in getting that post that I really didn't care who was stepped upon. Of course, I gained it honestly, but, the countless of people I refused to help and the countless of people I trampled upon to reach my goal, was it worth it? In the end, it is true I gained first place, but it was not the position that helped me, but my grades. The position, the trophies, the medals, were just for show! It didn't gain me anything!
I'm saying this because I have seen people who are obsessed with gaining trophies or medals. Let me tell you this, it is not the medal or the status that counts but, the effort that you underwent to get there. And no matter how great your goals are never forget what is important to you.
I'm saying this because I have seen people who are obsessed with gaining trophies or medals. Let me tell you this, it is not the medal or the status that counts but, the effort that you underwent to get there. And no matter how great your goals are never forget what is important to you.
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Suugaku Joshi Gakuen
The title means Math Girl's Academy. Yes, it is a dorama from Japan about Mathematics. Well, it sounds boring (believe me, I'm indifferent towards Math). But, it is anything but boring.
The plot line:
Some months ago, the Mathematics genius girl "Nina"(Reina Tanaka) moved to "Machida Math Girl School" from the public school in Fukuoka Prefecture. Nina has to find her elder sister "Kiina", vanished out this school one year ago. Nina decided to get the title of "SugakuBanchou(the leader of math)", for get the key(clue) to finding her sister."Sayuri" (Sayumi Michishige) is Nina's classmate. She has Aiming to beat and win to Nina with the mathematic battle. She believes hold her own.One day, Math-weak-boy "Kazuki"(Dori Sakurada) comes to this school. He has to move to this Girl's School,because of his parent's two Mistakes on the procedure... -
Sheesh, horrible grammer.
How everything works out
I swear, I have never seen such a fun show about Math (I still am indifferent towards Math though). The problems and everything are great, but the characters and the events that happen are very comedic. Especially, the main protagonists are all different. One, is a yankii (rebel). The other is a push over and the last one is very narcissistic. You ask me, it is a great combination for comedy.
Friday, 3 August 2012
Earth 2160
This is my review on Earth 2160. I know what you are asking, "What's so great about this game?" I am going to be a complete kiss ass for now by saying, "Well, it has great graphics and it occupies less than a gig."
Earth 2160 follows the progress of the factions, the United Civilized States, the Eurasian Dynasty and the Lunar Corporation, who, after escaping the doomed Earth, headed for Mars. After a time of relative peace and recovery, the factions once again come to blows, with a fourth faction ofextraterrestrial nature, named the Morphidians, coming into play. Just a few thousand humans were specifically chosen for the evacuation of Earth, and as such manpower and resources are limited. Upon reaching Mars, the factions set about completing the difficult and lengthy task ofterraforming the planet independently of one another. As the game begins the process appears to be far from completion.
Well, enough about the story line and lets get to criticism. Yes, it has great graphics for such a small amount of space occupied in your HDD. But, graphics aren't worth jack if your soldiers, when they die, act like if they are made of plastic. The movement of your units is a bit suckish. Sorry, it is quite horrible. Even, old games have better movement that what this game does.
I must admit that its gameplay was great. There are three different factions and each of them being completely varied when it comes to strategies, construction, resources required and how it is gathered, and the units themselves (tanks, robots, organics, and hovercrafts). To top it all off, you can modify your units according to the situation in game. For example, modify a tank to be able to withstand lasers instead of missiles. This increases the amount of strategies that can be used.
Now, the AI of the computer is highly adaptable. It adapts according to your strategy making it quite a challenge. It is actually really smart and very hard to beat even in easy. The campaign is really tough. Your strategic mind will be pushed to its limits.
Good luck with this game. You are going to need it.
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Haunting Dream
Hey... Do you remember the girl that I dreamt and described some posts before?
Well, from a wonderful dream, it has now become a nightmare. I swear, it haunts me throughout the day and throughout the night. Even, when I sleep, I see her again. My imaginations are now based on it. To top it all off, I saw an Idol whose face was the same as the girls (might be the reason why I began to like the idol). Now, I can't even distinguish between reality and fantasy. It has filled me with a false hope that the impossible might just happen. It is now more frustrating than soothing.
Heh... dreams are not meant to be happy (for me). They are supposed to be mysterious, strange, philosophical, terrifying, etc... Dreams are supposed to be brief with no special attachments to it. But, why has this dream kept an image in head? Why do the emotions within it resound through my mind?
It is ruining my rational thought. Dreams are just dreams. A recollection of memories. Nothing more and nothing less. But, why has it been this impacting?
Well, from a wonderful dream, it has now become a nightmare. I swear, it haunts me throughout the day and throughout the night. Even, when I sleep, I see her again. My imaginations are now based on it. To top it all off, I saw an Idol whose face was the same as the girls (might be the reason why I began to like the idol). Now, I can't even distinguish between reality and fantasy. It has filled me with a false hope that the impossible might just happen. It is now more frustrating than soothing.
Heh... dreams are not meant to be happy (for me). They are supposed to be mysterious, strange, philosophical, terrifying, etc... Dreams are supposed to be brief with no special attachments to it. But, why has this dream kept an image in head? Why do the emotions within it resound through my mind?
It is ruining my rational thought. Dreams are just dreams. A recollection of memories. Nothing more and nothing less. But, why has it been this impacting?
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Precautions when Learning Another Language
Well, many of us have only wondered how great it would be to learn another language and just that. Others have decided that they are going to 'give it a try'. A few have decided, "Let it rip! I'm going to do it no matter what the cost!"
Let me tell you this. The last part is the correct mentality. You are probably wondering why or (those who are a bit sharper than the rest) what are those costs?
Learning another language is not easy. If the book says "Learning _______ in 90 days", it is lying. A language can take many years to learn especially if you are a busy person and/or if the language is completely different to yours. For example, English and Japanese are different not only the way it is spoken, but how it is written (from alphabets to sentence structure). You are going to need that mentality in order to dedicate yourself to it.
What are the costs?
First, time. You are going to need to dedicate time to your new language at least once a day. Second, MONEY! Yes, grammar books, dictionaries, classes, etc... tend to be a bit expensive (just look at Rosetta Stone!). Third, motivation. You are probably going to need to motivate yourself from time to time, especially if it is taking a bit too long.
In other words, wondering and giving it a try does not work. You have to be decided and dedicated without faltering.
Good luck to you all.
Let me tell you this. The last part is the correct mentality. You are probably wondering why or (those who are a bit sharper than the rest) what are those costs?
Learning another language is not easy. If the book says "Learning _______ in 90 days", it is lying. A language can take many years to learn especially if you are a busy person and/or if the language is completely different to yours. For example, English and Japanese are different not only the way it is spoken, but how it is written (from alphabets to sentence structure). You are going to need that mentality in order to dedicate yourself to it.
What are the costs?
First, time. You are going to need to dedicate time to your new language at least once a day. Second, MONEY! Yes, grammar books, dictionaries, classes, etc... tend to be a bit expensive (just look at Rosetta Stone!). Third, motivation. You are probably going to need to motivate yourself from time to time, especially if it is taking a bit too long.
In other words, wondering and giving it a try does not work. You have to be decided and dedicated without faltering.
Good luck to you all.
Monday, 30 July 2012
変なアイドル Weird Idol
Sorry, I don't know how to write Furigana. Tonikaku, anyways, I had never seen such a strange person in my life.
Tanaka Reina. She is a member of the girl pop group Morning Musume. Well, in the music videos, concerts, and photo books, she portrays this Yankii (rebel) character; always dressing in such a way and her face helps portray that a lot.
But, her Blog says otherwise. The way she behaves and writes in her blog portrays a totally different character. She acts strange. I.e. she does one called 'cotton Reina' where she takes photos of herself while wearing cotton pads on her cheeks and places it on her blog. She also gives away her secrets.
SEE! Two totally different persons. I must admit, it is admirable that she can act that way in the internet (where everybody can see what you are doing), even though she has a large number of fans.
Makes you wonder, which one of the two Tanaka's are real? Or, if any of the two are real.
I can't understand actors! Why can't they have just one personality?! It makes my brain hurt!
(Tanaka Reina; surname; first name(all Japanese names are like that) )
She does look cool
But, her Blog says otherwise. The way she behaves and writes in her blog portrays a totally different character. She acts strange. I.e. she does one called 'cotton Reina' where she takes photos of herself while wearing cotton pads on her cheeks and places it on her blog. She also gives away her secrets.
Perry the Platypus :)
Makes you wonder, which one of the two Tanaka's are real? Or, if any of the two are real.
I can't understand actors! Why can't they have just one personality?! It makes my brain hurt!
Sunday, 29 July 2012
What Women do That Makes Me Laugh
I don't want to sound sexist, but you have to admit that the tricks that women pull to attract men are funny.
The Butt!
Yes, women eventually find out that some men are suckers for women's bumpers. So, they eventually learn to stick it out or swing it a bit more while walking just to attract men's attention. Ironically, the women that mostly do it are the ones that lack it!
The Breasts!
Oh, baby! Another juicy trick! They eventually get the HANG of bouncing it and sticking it out. Sorry for those who are flat, but you've got your pointers, too. (From a man who likes the flatness! Leaves space for imagination!)
The Guilty Routine!
Some of them have the knack of making you feel guilty for what you have done. I.e., when they ask for some money and you refuse, they'll probably go like "You are mean" or "So that's the way you are, huh?" others are pros and go to crying in their performance or bring others to the fight!
The Innocent Routine!
Oh! They must be professionals to pull this off! They pretend that they will never hurt a fly! Acting like little kids and pretending to be friendly! Cunning, huh? But, that's one of the tricks.
Over Flattery! or The Kiss Ass Routine!
Some acquire this technique. They begin to motivate you, saying that you are special or smart or good looking even though you are probably butt-shit ugly and probably a screw ball. It works! Trust me!
The Close Contact!
Oh yes. Some are aggressive and will begin by holding your hands. Then, they start hugging you. And, it continues further down the line. If, you know what I am talking about.
The Live Image!
Some like to give a sample of what they can do. A perfect example is licking a lolly pop or eating a banana slowly.
Well, if you don't learn from this post. My friend, you are in deep trouble. All of this written through experience. So, guys, watch out!
The Butt!
Yes, women eventually find out that some men are suckers for women's bumpers. So, they eventually learn to stick it out or swing it a bit more while walking just to attract men's attention. Ironically, the women that mostly do it are the ones that lack it!
The Breasts!
Oh, baby! Another juicy trick! They eventually get the HANG of bouncing it and sticking it out. Sorry for those who are flat, but you've got your pointers, too. (From a man who likes the flatness! Leaves space for imagination!)
The Guilty Routine!
Some of them have the knack of making you feel guilty for what you have done. I.e., when they ask for some money and you refuse, they'll probably go like "You are mean" or "So that's the way you are, huh?" others are pros and go to crying in their performance or bring others to the fight!
The Innocent Routine!
Oh! They must be professionals to pull this off! They pretend that they will never hurt a fly! Acting like little kids and pretending to be friendly! Cunning, huh? But, that's one of the tricks.
Over Flattery! or The Kiss Ass Routine!
Some acquire this technique. They begin to motivate you, saying that you are special or smart or good looking even though you are probably butt-shit ugly and probably a screw ball. It works! Trust me!
The Close Contact!
Oh yes. Some are aggressive and will begin by holding your hands. Then, they start hugging you. And, it continues further down the line. If, you know what I am talking about.
The Live Image!
Some like to give a sample of what they can do. A perfect example is licking a lolly pop or eating a banana slowly.
Well, if you don't learn from this post. My friend, you are in deep trouble. All of this written through experience. So, guys, watch out!
Saturday, 28 July 2012
There is Still Hope!
Sometimes, you just can not help but to feel that this world is a survival of the fittest. People biting people like animals, metaphorically speaking and in the literal sense too. Hope is something that is very easily said to exist, but so difficult to find.
Well, I was in a neighbouring town eating tacos. It caught my attention, when I saw a man in his sixties stand up, pick up the surrounding garbage and throw it away, take out a piece of cardboard so that my family and I could sit, and sit down without asking anything in return. That man, no matter how small it was what he did, gave me hope. A hope that showed me that there are still people that are nice and generous and that, some day, this world will change for the better.
If you find yourself in a situation where you can help people, please do without waiting for a thank you.
Well, I was in a neighbouring town eating tacos. It caught my attention, when I saw a man in his sixties stand up, pick up the surrounding garbage and throw it away, take out a piece of cardboard so that my family and I could sit, and sit down without asking anything in return. That man, no matter how small it was what he did, gave me hope. A hope that showed me that there are still people that are nice and generous and that, some day, this world will change for the better.
If you find yourself in a situation where you can help people, please do without waiting for a thank you.
Friday, 27 July 2012
Thursday, 26 July 2012
People's Ignorance
I must say that people can be quite ignorant when it comes to other cultures. Unfortunately, I am from a community where, if you are cleared skinned, you are what we call a "gringo". It is a nickname from anyone who is from the US. But, people here use it for anyone who is cleared skin. I am Hispanic and I am, also, called that, just because, my skin is a bit clearer than the rest. And, that is because I am Hispanic!
If you are Asian, I am sorry, but the people here suffer from complete bigotry. If you are ASIAN, you are a "Chino". That means that you are Chinese. It does not matter if you are Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, etc... You are Asian, so you are a "Chino". Of course, there are exceptions. There are, only, a few who can truly appreciate other cultures.
My father, as well as I, is learning another language. He is studying Mandarin. Today, it was his first day. The rest of my family only came to my house just to make fun of him. They are my family, but I consider them no less than ignoramuses. Idiots! And, last but not least, bigots.
I, too, have suffered horrible remarks, because I am learning Japanese, listen to Japanese Music, and adapting some of their culture which I found that shows a great deal of modesty.
Like they say, "Patience; what is needed to survive in a world filled with idiots."
If you are Asian, I am sorry, but the people here suffer from complete bigotry. If you are ASIAN, you are a "Chino". That means that you are Chinese. It does not matter if you are Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, etc... You are Asian, so you are a "Chino". Of course, there are exceptions. There are, only, a few who can truly appreciate other cultures.
My father, as well as I, is learning another language. He is studying Mandarin. Today, it was his first day. The rest of my family only came to my house just to make fun of him. They are my family, but I consider them no less than ignoramuses. Idiots! And, last but not least, bigots.
I, too, have suffered horrible remarks, because I am learning Japanese, listen to Japanese Music, and adapting some of their culture which I found that shows a great deal of modesty.
Like they say, "Patience; what is needed to survive in a world filled with idiots."
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Phrase from a Wise
Yu Su Ze Bu Da
I, also, dreamt this phrase. I woke up in my dream and pronounced this Mandarin phrase. A language which I had never touched.
It means, that if you rush things, you will never reach your goal.
Word from the Wise, take a tip from your elders. This phrase is an ancient Chinese proverb.
Youkoso, boku no yume. (ようこそ、僕の夢。)
The title says: Welcome to my dream! This dream is quite strange. Have you ever dreamt a person that you have never met or seen in any place? Well, I did.
I was having a cup of tea with this beautiful maiden. It was in the morning. I knew, because the sun wasn't as bright or as hot as in the afternoon. The sky, as always, was in its magnificent blue. There were buildings of great heights that it appeared as if they were touching the sky. Not many greenery was around, with the exception of the bushes that surrounded the small cafe we were in. The table, where we sat, was of pure white as well as the chairs. They gave this nostalgic feeling to my dream. The maidens face was clear of any impurities or imperfections. She was laughing so brightly that it portrayed her hidden purity. What a shame that I could not hear her magnificent voice through her laughter. Her hair was dyed giving her this false blond colour with the black linings in between. Her knotted hair prevented me from learning the true length of it. Her eyes were closed because of her laughing, preventing me from learning her true eye colour, but not from learning that she was of Asian race. As she laughed, her cheeks puffed out without a dimple in sight. She was using a uniform-styled, white shirt with a pink ribbon attached to her collar. A brown, checkered skirt covered only the upper part of her white thin legs. I felt a strange joy just by being with her.
Sorry, can't describe any more. I can only remember so much. ごめんなさい。Gomennasai. I'm sorry.
本当に。hontouni. Really.
I was having a cup of tea with this beautiful maiden. It was in the morning. I knew, because the sun wasn't as bright or as hot as in the afternoon. The sky, as always, was in its magnificent blue. There were buildings of great heights that it appeared as if they were touching the sky. Not many greenery was around, with the exception of the bushes that surrounded the small cafe we were in. The table, where we sat, was of pure white as well as the chairs. They gave this nostalgic feeling to my dream. The maidens face was clear of any impurities or imperfections. She was laughing so brightly that it portrayed her hidden purity. What a shame that I could not hear her magnificent voice through her laughter. Her hair was dyed giving her this false blond colour with the black linings in between. Her knotted hair prevented me from learning the true length of it. Her eyes were closed because of her laughing, preventing me from learning her true eye colour, but not from learning that she was of Asian race. As she laughed, her cheeks puffed out without a dimple in sight. She was using a uniform-styled, white shirt with a pink ribbon attached to her collar. A brown, checkered skirt covered only the upper part of her white thin legs. I felt a strange joy just by being with her.
Sorry, can't describe any more. I can only remember so much. ごめんなさい。Gomennasai. I'm sorry.
本当に。hontouni. Really.
I live in a country, even though it is a third world country, it has a good amount in technology. Almost everybody has a laptop or a computer. Now, when it comes with influences, United States is the most influential in the country. Well, I guess it is obvious, since we do get broadcasts from the US. Go Yankees! Just kidding.
We are also adapting the culture less lifestyle from the US. Everybody who is from the US, how many of you practice or even know about your culture? Few, right? Well, I'm not surprised. As the United States advanced in technology, it, also, forgot its culture.
A great place to admire, I must say, is Japan. Japan, even though, it is advanced in technology, it has kept a great deal of its culture. I know. I've talked to Japanese people in person. One of them being Kouta Murakami(村上孝太). Apart from the T.V. and live interviews, you can see it with them anywhere they go.
It is kind of interesting how it just takes one person to influence a community. I began bringing the Anime pop culture to my little town. I've influenced quite a few and, now, many have began watching Anime. Same thing with the different fashions and music. Someone brought it and, now, everybody wears it or listens to it.
We are also adapting the culture less lifestyle from the US. Everybody who is from the US, how many of you practice or even know about your culture? Few, right? Well, I'm not surprised. As the United States advanced in technology, it, also, forgot its culture.
A great place to admire, I must say, is Japan. Japan, even though, it is advanced in technology, it has kept a great deal of its culture. I know. I've talked to Japanese people in person. One of them being Kouta Murakami(村上孝太). Apart from the T.V. and live interviews, you can see it with them anywhere they go.
It is kind of interesting how it just takes one person to influence a community. I began bringing the Anime pop culture to my little town. I've influenced quite a few and, now, many have began watching Anime. Same thing with the different fashions and music. Someone brought it and, now, everybody wears it or listens to it.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
I knew that someday it would come to this. Asian people attacking Asians. For you who don't know, these are famous Japanese artists from the pop group Morning Musume(モーニング娘). How do I know?
もちろん、僕はファンです。(mochiron, boku wa fan desu.) Of course, I'm a fan! But, today, I am not going to talk about my reasons why I am a fan, but the following picture:
Top left: Kamei Eri; Next to her: Tanaka Reina; Bottom left: Michishige Sayumi
(Surname, Name)
Yes! They are doing the 'Asian eyes'! According to them, that is how Koreans look. Oh the irony! It's like a fat man making fun of a fat girl!Don't worry! kinishinai!(気にしないよ!) They apologized. So, it is ok! (^_^)
My opinions:
Well, I'm Hispanic, but if this man appears with a sombrero and a burro (donkey) to mock me, I would laugh and tell him that he forgot the chubby wife with the football team-sized family.
If I was Asian, especially Korean, I would have laughed it off because of the irony.
Interesting persons like that come one in a million. They have caught my interest. Don't you guys think so?
Rosetta Stone
Sorry for making you wait. Gomenasai.
Well, this is my review of Rosetta Stone, the language learning program.
First of all, Rosetta Stone, as stated above, is a language learning program that involves total immersion. In other words, they are going to show you pictures and make you say some words. It is like if they threw you to the language's country that you are learning.
Since, I'm learning Japanese, it is, as if, I was thrown in the middle of Japan without a clue of how to get to the bathroom. Don't worry, it's virtual, so you won't really get lost into the opposite gender's restroom, unless you want. DON'T DO THAT!
Pros and Cons:
I like the fact that it is repetitive. The images and the voice aid help a lot. By voice aid, I mean that you'll have to repeat the pronunciation. By the second and further lessons, it returns to the previous lesson which helps a lot in remembering the vocabulary. In the end, it has the milestone which forces you to use everything that you have learned. (Failed it once :P)
Cons, my favourite. It is really expensive. You can buy it on Amazon for more than USD $300. Of course, you can get it illegally, but it has this protection that, if it is not activated with the CD key, you will not be able to access many of the lessons (Good thing there is a crack ~whistle~). Another con is that, if you are the type of person that needs the why's and how's to learn something, you are going to have a hard time. Probably, you are going to need a grammar book. Tonikaku, anyway, you are going to spend a lot of money.
Okay my little ghost friends, if you are following my blog, do you think that I should continue placing pictures and using my bits and pieces of Japanese? Please comment if you are following. :D
[UPDATE]: Forgot to mention that it made me feel like a three year old. I forgot the pacifier XD.
Next stop, ummm... I got lost.
Well, this is my review of Rosetta Stone, the language learning program.
This picture is not for the Japanese language
First of all, Rosetta Stone, as stated above, is a language learning program that involves total immersion. In other words, they are going to show you pictures and make you say some words. It is like if they threw you to the language's country that you are learning.
Since, I'm learning Japanese, it is, as if, I was thrown in the middle of Japan without a clue of how to get to the bathroom. Don't worry, it's virtual, so you won't really get lost into the opposite gender's restroom, unless you want. DON'T DO THAT!
Pros and Cons:
I like the fact that it is repetitive. The images and the voice aid help a lot. By voice aid, I mean that you'll have to repeat the pronunciation. By the second and further lessons, it returns to the previous lesson which helps a lot in remembering the vocabulary. In the end, it has the milestone which forces you to use everything that you have learned. (Failed it once :P)
Cons, my favourite. It is really expensive. You can buy it on Amazon for more than USD $300. Of course, you can get it illegally, but it has this protection that, if it is not activated with the CD key, you will not be able to access many of the lessons (Good thing there is a crack ~whistle~). Another con is that, if you are the type of person that needs the why's and how's to learn something, you are going to have a hard time. Probably, you are going to need a grammar book. Tonikaku, anyway, you are going to spend a lot of money.
Okay my little ghost friends, if you are following my blog, do you think that I should continue placing pictures and using my bits and pieces of Japanese? Please comment if you are following. :D
[UPDATE]: Forgot to mention that it made me feel like a three year old. I forgot the pacifier XD.
Next stop, ummm... I got lost.
Monday, 23 July 2012
Phrase from the Fool
"Life is like swimming in a water current; you can let it drag you away or you can go against it."
Sunday, 22 July 2012
The Aftermath of the Fair
As you can see, business is a cruel war. Well, enough with the drama. This is a week after the Benque Fiesta finished.
My aunt, her son and my cuz
I was dragged there, but it was better than being at home.
The cheap rides from my country; the spinning top
There used to be tons of people during the Benque Fiesta, but, either way, there was quite a few even though the events ended a week ago.
More cheap rides
Well, its not over a hundred like in the Fiesta, but with about 20 or more people for what remained is still a lot.
Sorry guys. Next time, I'll blog about the real Benque Fiesta and post some pictures. Wait a year though. :P
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