Wednesday, 15 August 2012

A Small Story For You

The Rain Which Was Faced

It has been a hour since the sky began to weep. Was it joy due to the effort being given by this person? Or, is it, because of the agony that I am going through. I could only admire him in the sidelines for going to such great lengths for this person. 

"If you can score at least once, I'll go out with you." She said. 

She knew that he would not be able to throw the basketball through the hoop. She knew it well, yet she asked him to. I saw his eyes widen and a flame igniting within his heart. He was determined to succeed no matter what the cost. He grasped the ball with all his might and bit his lips. His posture was horrible; as expected from a person who had never played basketball. He threw the ball towards the tall net. From the beginning, it was determined to fail. The ball missed, he fell to the ground, and the girl left him in his despair. 
He did not wait long to stop crying. He stood up and, with his strong will, approached me. 

"Teach me how to score, I beg of you!" He knelt and bowed down to me. I was surprised. Who would throw away his pride for a girl? I could not resist this pathetic view in front of me.

"Stand up!" I ordered him, "Watch closely. Do you think you can do that!?"

I showed him the steps, and the posture. I taught him everything I knew. Now, it was time for him to practice, but the sky turned dark. The rain clouds covered every bit of light that crossed through. With this weather, it was better to leave the practice for another day but, he did not leave. He stayed even when the rained poured upon him. I, now, envied him. I have never had a reason why to dedicate myself. But, this person found a reason. One which he is willing to throw away his health for. 

I could not withstand watching his effort go in vain; therefore I called her through my cell-phone; the one who had caused all of this mess. We were three, but, after this, it would become two whichever way fate decided to take. At first, she was hesitant due to the weather, but I convinced her. No, I forced her to come.

When she arrived, she was furious and asked me, "Why did you call me in the middle of this rain? Do you even know what time it is?"

Clearly, I had lost track of time. It was, now, dark, but his efforts could still be seen. 

"Just watch," I told her.

"What is it?" Her eyes widened when she saw the person who she harmed and the pain he was going through. "Since, when has he...?"

I interrupted her, "Since, you left."


"I have never been in love, so I don't know what is going on in that idiot's head." It was a lie. I, also, loved her, but it was not meant to be. It hurts so much, but I have to bear it. My eyes are heavy and my heart is being crushed. But, I must bear it. I must.

He finally noticed that he was being watched. And, he asked her again, he approached the spot, and he scored. Now, there are only two of them and another shower starts.

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